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Christine Poreba
Recent Publications
Barrow Street: "The Questions in Our Dreams"
Inlandia: "Interruptions," "I'm Sorry, I Can't Help You"
Memorious: "Museum & Train, again"
Saw Palm: "Ghost Music," "Night Beside a Spring"
Selected Poems Online
Birmingham Arts Review: “The Pace of Things”
Brain, Child: the Magazine for Thinking Mothers: “In the Absence of My Son”
Connotation Press: "Transposition," "What Will Stay?," "Lessons in Leaving the Ground"
The Literary Nest: “Roots”
Palette Poetry: "Slipped Stitches"
Puerto del Sol: "Wanting to Know Why"
Rattle: “Between Missing and Found"
The Southern Review: “A Short History of Leavening"
SWWIM: "On the Colors of Houses"
The Sun Magazine: “Without Tending”
What Rough Beast: "Their Piece" (in response to the testimony of Christine Blasey Ford)
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