Christine Poreba
Online English Classes for Speakers of English
as a Second Language
Small Group Classes
Small Group Classes consist of 5 students (yes, only 5!) and meet twice a week for a total of four weeks. Choose from the three options below. Once filled, classes will be scheduled and begin their four-week duration.
Current Class Offerings:
1. Go with the Flow: Talk It Away
This class is perfect for the student who is seeking an opportunity to practice speaking with peers of a similar level in a small communal setting. Each student will have a chance to select and present a topic for class discussion. Vocabulary, pronunciation, various questions and common mistakes will be addressed and practiced as they arise. Ideal for students who would like to strengthen their speaking skills in a low-pressure environment.
2. Being Understood & Understanding: An Up Close Look at Common Idioms and Expressions
Here we'll have fun and learn a lot as students "beef up" their working knowledge of common idioms and phrasal verbs, learning how multiple meanings can come about by changing the prepositions that go with verbs (come in, come up, come up with, come out, etc., etc., etc.!) Each class will include a lesson on new vocabulary and opportunities for students to apply what they have learned in writing and speaking. Students will be encouraged to gather idioms they've heard and practice those they've learned outside of class. Additional Homework available as requested.
3. Problematic Pairs and Structural Practice
Have you ever wished that you understood and hoped you would know how to decide when to use hope or wish? How about make and do, or hear and listen, or normal and typical? We'll have fun and clear things up as we parse out commonly confused pairs of words and practice using them correctly. In addition, each class will include a lesson on a particular grammatical structure or verb tense and opportunities for students to write and speak using that structure. Your particular confusions and grammatical assessments will be used to determine the greatest areas of focus. Additional Homework available as requested.
If interested, please fill out this form and I will be in touch with you soon!